1/8/2011, Monday
Photo of last time ♥.
that after I cut hair =P.
let's me SS 1st!! haha =P.

38 right? xD. I don care what ppl said about me,

that after I cut hair =P.
let's me SS 1st!! haha =P.

because 我就是我, 我有自己的风格 =P. ♥
假如有一天我不再是这样, 那个就一定不是我了 =P. 

All are TOYOH ♥.
saturday night,
I went to Giza Mall,
and having a dessert with
Gynnie, Xiao Jess, Roti & 丽妃 at Snow Flake,
this is my dessert ♥.
丽妃 & Xiao Jess & Gynnie ♥.
TOYOH & Roti ♥.
I gv 70% to the restaurant =].
after that,
we went to Mcdonald,
eat eat eat and talk talk talk XD.
at last,
we overnight at Gynnie house =]
because Sunday morning need to go Broga Hill ♥.
play the millionaire until 2am more,
and then ready to go BROGA HILL,
YEAH ^^ ♥.

saturday night,
I went to Giza Mall,
and having a dessert with
Gynnie, Xiao Jess, Roti & 丽妃 at Snow Flake,
I gv 70% to the restaurant =].
after that,
we went to Mcdonald,
eat eat eat and talk talk talk XD.
at last,
we overnight at Gynnie house =]
because Sunday morning need to go Broga Hill ♥.
play the millionaire until 2am more,
and then ready to go BROGA HILL,
YEAH ^^ ♥.