31/5/2011, Tuesday

Crazy of ME ^^ ♥
My friends and I went to Kepong Pao Bing,
for celebrated my friend YOON JUN birthday =].
but there was no provide for celebrated birthday,
so we went to carrefour and bought the tableware =D.
after that, we went to DESA PARK CITY ^^.
Let's come and see the photo!! ♥.

The 寿星仔 YOON JUN
♥ =).寿星仔 with TOYOH =).

Friendship Forever
大合照 =)
♥♥.First time celebrated at DESA PARK CITY ^^.
not bad!!
like it ♥. hahaha.
I can feel my friend YOON JUN was happy also =).
that was great ♥.
hope him happy always ^^.
Happy Birthday MaMa's Son xDD.
hahahahaha =D.