in this holiday..
i very thx patrick (my boss)...
thx he gv me a chance to work...
im the 1st time working in my life...
although i working in popular just a short time...
but i get a lot of experience....
tat experience is like a gold...
if u hv a lot of money also can't buy it...
working in popular also hv a lot of memory....
such as (甜,酸,苦,辣)....
at there i know many friends....
they are friendly and kindly....
although they r adult....
but sometime they also like a kid....
always play with us....
after i resign my job...
i just feel myself very miss them...
dunno y leh?
just a short time working in popular...
y i will miss them so much?
dunno u all will miss me or not leh?
i still remember tat last day i working in popular...
the time was pass very fast...
i still remember when i wanna to back home...
i with they 擦手而过 tat feeling...
my heart was so hurt...
y when the last day i at school dont hv the feeling?
y when the last day i working in popular will hv the feeling?
why..... who can tell me?
i also hv to take many photo....
let's see....
kukumalu~siew wen~si yi~me~eng yong~willson...
aeroplane kei,kukumalu,si yi,willson engyong....