Graduation ♥
wat the nice number of today? hahahahah.
111111 ♥
love it so much!
and I want to congratulation to my cousin.
she gonna sign her marriage certificate today.

Toyoh ♥
I attented a graduation at school..
I'm so touched about that!
finally I graduated!
I finished my study career.
anythings all was come new! I hv a new journey!
I hv to walk by myself!
I hope that I hv a brilliant future =). ♥
wish my friends all the best in future also!
I hv something to say to my friends!
sorry that if I did not write to u..
→ don always unhappy because of "the matter" lah~
u know wat I means right? =P.
CHEER UP pls! ♥.
ur dude Toyoh Tong is always here to support u!
→ hope u hv a best future ah!
don forgot me hor I told u!
If not I kill u! XD.
hope u also be happy always! ♥
→u ahh.
no need me said so much already right?
wish u and ur boyboy sweet until boom!! haha ♥.
when you marry don forget to invite me oh!
→ hrmmm.
u also very sweet wit ur "bao bei" already lar XD.
wish u sweet sweet too wor! ♥.
Bro forever! ♥.
don forget to invite me when ur wedding also har XD.
Kah Bee.
→ u ahh.
u should gv up something actually.
I'm sincere to tell u.
u r pretty, in future hv more handsome man is waiting for u!
Gambateh yea! ♥.
→ I knew that u have an operation after exam.
I sincere to wish u the operation is successful!
Gambateh too! ♥.
Yam Cha when free time! ♥.
→ sweet liao lar~~ XD.
when u born ur baby must tell me hor!!
wish u and ur dear sweet sweet and 3 of u r healthy ^^ ♥.
→ Galaxy? hahaha.
u r the most 38 in my eyes!
with u go out I will laugh until back to home! hahahahah.
must remember me hor after graduated! ♥.
Chen Leong.
→ Galaxy too! hate u all use Galaxy oh =P.
happy always leh u!!
remember wat I told u always!
HAPPY! must date me when u free! =P ♥.
Su Hui.
→ u so 38 already lor XD. hahahaha
but I'm happy that u r 38 XD.
but not me affected u oh! =P. is them!
=P lalala. and don keep say "97" hor XD. ♥
Hui San.
→ everyday David! hahahaha. =P
wish u really can together wit him lar!
Gambateh together for SPM! yeah! ♥.
→ I'm happy to know u! 3 years friend!
but we same like know long time!
I love u my friend!
I love that we will say the secret to each other ;) ♥.
→ no need to say!
u same as Karen! 38 =P. hahahahaha.
remember me at future too =).
don forget date me for MC, spaghetti and so on ah. =D. ♥
→ write til here I just realize u same wit Gynnie & karen.
38 also!!!!!!! wakakakaka.
I will remember ur finger put on ur cheek there!
forever and ever! ♥
hahahaha XD.
→ u ah! always "zek" me!
but I will "zek" back u too! lalala =P.
hey! wish u sweet wit ur boyboy also la!
and waiting our trip at 15th December oh! ♥ =D.
pls forgive me if I did not write about u.
my fingers were painful =(.
111111 ♥
love it so much!
and I want to congratulation to my cousin.
she gonna sign her marriage certificate today.


I attented a graduation at school..
I'm so touched about that!
finally I graduated!
I finished my study career.
anythings all was come new! I hv a new journey!
I hv to walk by myself!
I hope that I hv a brilliant future =). ♥
wish my friends all the best in future also!
I hv something to say to my friends!
sorry that if I did not write to u..
→ don always unhappy because of "the matter" lah~
u know wat I means right? =P.
CHEER UP pls! ♥.
ur dude Toyoh Tong is always here to support u!
→ hope u hv a best future ah!
don forgot me hor I told u!
If not I kill u! XD.
hope u also be happy always! ♥
→u ahh.
no need me said so much already right?
wish u and ur boyboy sweet until boom!! haha ♥.
when you marry don forget to invite me oh!
→ hrmmm.
u also very sweet wit ur "bao bei" already lar XD.
wish u sweet sweet too wor! ♥.
Bro forever! ♥.
don forget to invite me when ur wedding also har XD.
→ u ahh.
u should gv up something actually.
I'm sincere to tell u.
u r pretty, in future hv more handsome man is waiting for u!
Gambateh yea! ♥.
→ I knew that u have an operation after exam.
I sincere to wish u the operation is successful!
Gambateh too! ♥.
Yam Cha when free time! ♥.
→ sweet liao lar~~ XD.
when u born ur baby must tell me hor!!
wish u and ur dear sweet sweet and 3 of u r healthy ^^ ♥.
→ Galaxy? hahaha.
u r the most 38 in my eyes!
with u go out I will laugh until back to home! hahahahah.
must remember me hor after graduated! ♥.
→ Galaxy too! hate u all use Galaxy oh =P.
happy always leh u!!
remember wat I told u always!
HAPPY! must date me when u free! =P ♥.
→ u so 38 already lor XD. hahahaha
but I'm happy that u r 38 XD.
but not me affected u oh! =P. is them!
=P lalala. and don keep say "97" hor XD. ♥
Hui San.
→ everyday David! hahahaha. =P
wish u really can together wit him lar!
Gambateh together for SPM! yeah! ♥.
→ I'm happy to know u! 3 years friend!
but we same like know long time!
I love u my friend!
I love that we will say the secret to each other ;) ♥.
→ no need to say!
u same as Karen! 38 =P. hahahahaha.
remember me at future too =).
don forget date me for MC, spaghetti and so on ah. =D. ♥
→ write til here I just realize u same wit Gynnie & karen.
38 also!!!!!!! wakakakaka.
I will remember ur finger put on ur cheek there!
forever and ever! ♥
hahahaha XD.
→ u ah! always "zek" me!
but I will "zek" back u too! lalala =P.
hey! wish u sweet wit ur boyboy also la!
and waiting our trip at 15th December oh! ♥ =D.
pls forgive me if I did not write about u.
my fingers were painful =(.
HaPPY BelateD HaLLoWeeN! ♥
2/11/2011, Wednesday

the time passed so fast!
now already NOVEMBER!
I never study any subject yet =( !
I'm the most lazy in my class =x.
actually I most worry about the future..
wat job or course should I choose?

I went to 1U and buy the uniform..
I had capture 2 shirt..
guess what colour that I will wear it on friday?


we went to tutti frutti also..
so expensive lar wei T_T.
because there just had the cup of median size to choose..
so that why I add so many things @@.
After that,
we saw the Halloween event at there.
we went to there and capture a lot funny pic XD.
Let's see those photo!

we so sot right?
hahaha XD.
After capture those stupid photo XD ,
we went to DESA PART CITY and take a dinner there..

okay lar!
is time to say BYEBYE! xD. ♥.
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