Teng's BiRtHdaY! ♥
11/12/2011, Sunday
3/12/2011, Saturday

在 3/12/2011 当天,
就是和我认识3年了的朋友庆祝生日 ♥
就这样过了3点 =)
真的 =) ♥
来看看她吹蛋糕 =D.

我自己都没吃过Starbucks Cake哦!
你看我对你几好 =P haha.
勉强是没有用的 =).
一定会找到的 =) ♥.
祝你开开心心啦 =P.
不开心可以找我倾诉 =).

那些年, 我们认识3年了的朋友?
;D ♥
HaPPY BiRtHdaY to Venniz! ♥
4/12/2011, Sunday
30/11/2011, Wednesday

today is my best friend Sok Fern' Birthday.
we bought the delicious Fruit Tart to her.
let's come and see the fruit tart.
total 17 fruit tart.

we celebrated her birthday at Desa Part City.
there had the beautiful scene,
we song the birthday song to her.
hope she would happy in future ♥.

after that,
we took a photo there!

Graduation ♥
wat the nice number of today? hahahahah.
111111 ♥
love it so much!
and I want to congratulation to my cousin.
she gonna sign her marriage certificate today.

Toyoh ♥
I attented a graduation at school..
I'm so touched about that!
finally I graduated!
I finished my study career.
anythings all was come new! I hv a new journey!
I hv to walk by myself!
I hope that I hv a brilliant future =). ♥
wish my friends all the best in future also!
I hv something to say to my friends!
sorry that if I did not write to u..
→ don always unhappy because of "the matter" lah~
u know wat I means right? =P.
CHEER UP pls! ♥.
ur dude Toyoh Tong is always here to support u!
→ hope u hv a best future ah!
don forgot me hor I told u!
If not I kill u! XD.
hope u also be happy always! ♥
→u ahh.
no need me said so much already right?
wish u and ur boyboy sweet until boom!! haha ♥.
when you marry don forget to invite me oh!
→ hrmmm.
u also very sweet wit ur "bao bei" already lar XD.
wish u sweet sweet too wor! ♥.
Bro forever! ♥.
don forget to invite me when ur wedding also har XD.
Kah Bee.
→ u ahh.
u should gv up something actually.
I'm sincere to tell u.
u r pretty, in future hv more handsome man is waiting for u!
Gambateh yea! ♥.
→ I knew that u have an operation after exam.
I sincere to wish u the operation is successful!
Gambateh too! ♥.
Yam Cha when free time! ♥.
→ sweet liao lar~~ XD.
when u born ur baby must tell me hor!!
wish u and ur dear sweet sweet and 3 of u r healthy ^^ ♥.
→ Galaxy? hahaha.
u r the most 38 in my eyes!
with u go out I will laugh until back to home! hahahahah.
must remember me hor after graduated! ♥.
Chen Leong.
→ Galaxy too! hate u all use Galaxy oh =P.
happy always leh u!!
remember wat I told u always!
HAPPY! must date me when u free! =P ♥.
Su Hui.
→ u so 38 already lor XD. hahahaha
but I'm happy that u r 38 XD.
but not me affected u oh! =P. is them!
=P lalala. and don keep say "97" hor XD. ♥
Hui San.
→ everyday David! hahahaha. =P
wish u really can together wit him lar!
Gambateh together for SPM! yeah! ♥.
→ I'm happy to know u! 3 years friend!
but we same like know long time!
I love u my friend!
I love that we will say the secret to each other ;) ♥.
→ no need to say!
u same as Karen! 38 =P. hahahahaha.
remember me at future too =).
don forget date me for MC, spaghetti and so on ah. =D. ♥
→ write til here I just realize u same wit Gynnie & karen.
38 also!!!!!!! wakakakaka.
I will remember ur finger put on ur cheek there!
forever and ever! ♥
hahahaha XD.
→ u ah! always "zek" me!
but I will "zek" back u too! lalala =P.
hey! wish u sweet wit ur boyboy also la!
and waiting our trip at 15th December oh! ♥ =D.
pls forgive me if I did not write about u.
my fingers were painful =(.
111111 ♥
love it so much!
and I want to congratulation to my cousin.
she gonna sign her marriage certificate today.


I attented a graduation at school..
I'm so touched about that!
finally I graduated!
I finished my study career.
anythings all was come new! I hv a new journey!
I hv to walk by myself!
I hope that I hv a brilliant future =). ♥
wish my friends all the best in future also!
I hv something to say to my friends!
sorry that if I did not write to u..
→ don always unhappy because of "the matter" lah~
u know wat I means right? =P.
CHEER UP pls! ♥.
ur dude Toyoh Tong is always here to support u!
→ hope u hv a best future ah!
don forgot me hor I told u!
If not I kill u! XD.
hope u also be happy always! ♥
→u ahh.
no need me said so much already right?
wish u and ur boyboy sweet until boom!! haha ♥.
when you marry don forget to invite me oh!
→ hrmmm.
u also very sweet wit ur "bao bei" already lar XD.
wish u sweet sweet too wor! ♥.
Bro forever! ♥.
don forget to invite me when ur wedding also har XD.
→ u ahh.
u should gv up something actually.
I'm sincere to tell u.
u r pretty, in future hv more handsome man is waiting for u!
Gambateh yea! ♥.
→ I knew that u have an operation after exam.
I sincere to wish u the operation is successful!
Gambateh too! ♥.
Yam Cha when free time! ♥.
→ sweet liao lar~~ XD.
when u born ur baby must tell me hor!!
wish u and ur dear sweet sweet and 3 of u r healthy ^^ ♥.
→ Galaxy? hahaha.
u r the most 38 in my eyes!
with u go out I will laugh until back to home! hahahahah.
must remember me hor after graduated! ♥.
→ Galaxy too! hate u all use Galaxy oh =P.
happy always leh u!!
remember wat I told u always!
HAPPY! must date me when u free! =P ♥.
→ u so 38 already lor XD. hahahaha
but I'm happy that u r 38 XD.
but not me affected u oh! =P. is them!
=P lalala. and don keep say "97" hor XD. ♥
Hui San.
→ everyday David! hahahaha. =P
wish u really can together wit him lar!
Gambateh together for SPM! yeah! ♥.
→ I'm happy to know u! 3 years friend!
but we same like know long time!
I love u my friend!
I love that we will say the secret to each other ;) ♥.
→ no need to say!
u same as Karen! 38 =P. hahahahaha.
remember me at future too =).
don forget date me for MC, spaghetti and so on ah. =D. ♥
→ write til here I just realize u same wit Gynnie & karen.
38 also!!!!!!! wakakakaka.
I will remember ur finger put on ur cheek there!
forever and ever! ♥
hahahaha XD.
→ u ah! always "zek" me!
but I will "zek" back u too! lalala =P.
hey! wish u sweet wit ur boyboy also la!
and waiting our trip at 15th December oh! ♥ =D.
pls forgive me if I did not write about u.
my fingers were painful =(.
HaPPY BelateD HaLLoWeeN! ♥
2/11/2011, Wednesday

the time passed so fast!
now already NOVEMBER!
I never study any subject yet =( !
I'm the most lazy in my class =x.
actually I most worry about the future..
wat job or course should I choose?

I went to 1U and buy the uniform..
I had capture 2 shirt..
guess what colour that I will wear it on friday?


we went to tutti frutti also..
so expensive lar wei T_T.
because there just had the cup of median size to choose..
so that why I add so many things @@.
After that,
we saw the Halloween event at there.
we went to there and capture a lot funny pic XD.
Let's see those photo!

we so sot right?
hahaha XD.
After capture those stupid photo XD ,
we went to DESA PART CITY and take a dinner there..

okay lar!
is time to say BYEBYE! xD. ♥.
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